Preventative Maintenance
Customized Schedule Agreement
Historical Log of Roof Repairs
Extended Roof Life
Ohio and Indiana Roofing Company will send a technician(s) to your facility to do a thorough inspection of your
roof. During the inspection, areas of attention will be marked and repaired by either the technician on site or by a
number of technicians depending on the extent of repairs needed. Repairs of a substantial nature will be pre-approved
by the building owner (or authorized representative) before proceeding.
The OIR Preventative Maintenance Program fee is based on time and material at an affordable hourly rate. The
hourly rate for inspection is from portal to portal. Repairs will be billed at the hourly rate plus materials.
Substantial repairs will need pre-approved by the building owner before proceeding. The hourly rate will be locked in
for your contract term, regardless if rates rise during that time period.
Inspection Schedule:
Tailored for you, the Preventative Maintenance Program can last for either two or three years, and you have a
choice of annual, semi-annual or quarterly inspections.
If you roof is beginning to deteriorate or breakdown beyond a reasonable point of repair, you will be notified
immediately by our technician as well as provided a written summary of the condition of the roof. Our goal is to not
only extend the life of your roof through Preventive Maintenance/Repairs but also to help avoid operating under a
potentially dangerous roof condition.
Learn More
Interested in our Preventative Maintenance Program?
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